You do not have to be in a relationship to start learning about marriage. As a matter of fact, your knowledge and understanding about marriage will guide you in your relationship decisions. A random statistic shows that over 90% of young people do not undergo any form of marriage preparation beyond what they observe in their homes while growing up and warnings received from parents to deter them from associating with negative influencers, but nothing directly addressing marriage and how it is meant to be run. Would it surprise you then that a lot of marriages are suffering?
Our premarital coaching programme seeks to bridge that gap and provide marriage education for singles to help them have a proper understanding of what marriage is, break out of the limitations in their parents’ marriage, design the kind of marriage that they desire for themselves and be filled with hope and inspiration towards marriage, thereby replacing the fears and negative narratives about love and marriage out there.
I personally recommend this course for all singles, from 18 years and above Areas this curriculum covers include:
- Self-discovery.
- Taking charge of your world.
- Becoming a person of value
- Debunking wrong ideas about marriage
- Wrong reasons to desire marriage
- What marriage really is
- Understanding conflict in marriage
- Creating the marriage of your dreams.
This special service is a mix of pre-recorded video modules and 3 personal virtual sessions. The session costs N70,000 ($100)